First Program, Et al.

In the interactive shell, type, and hit enter:

print(“This is the interactive shell.”)

  • print (case-sensitive, all lowercase) is a function. It’s a program itself found in most programming languages.
  • The text in the quotes is called a string. A type of data.
  • You wrote your first program, and were presented with immediate feedback.
  1. Open up the IDLE editor File > New Window, and enter the same text.
  2. Save and run it (Press F5). So the editor allows you to create programs that you can save.

Comments are text prefixed with a #, and are ignored in programs. Great way to annotate code, so you and others can understand it.

print(“Hello, World!”) # Prints text to the screen

input(“\nPress a key to exit”)

input is another function for dealing with user input. \n is an “escape sequence” that operates on a “new line”. There’s also “\t”, for “tab”. Try it.


  1. Print some text, like “Hello, World!”, your name, etc, in both the shell and as programs via the editor.
  2. Insert comments into your print programs (above the print line, below it, on the same line…)
  3. Write a program that prints something on the first line, and on the second with a indented tab, and requires you to press enter before it ends.
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